Here are the Top 9 Best Spoilers of Stranger Things…
9. Will is not really dead
As noted in the Season 01 Episode 01. He is talking to Winona Ryder over the phone.
8. Barb dies
RIP. Sorry (Source: Reddit)
7. Jonathan is Will’s brother
…as determined in Season 01 Episode 01. He is searching for Will with his mom, Winona Ryder. That better be his brother …or I think it’s strange.
6. Steve has a sweet dick
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5. Hopper is Eleven’s father
It’s pretty obvious, because he laid out Eggo waffles in the box in the woods (Season 01 Episode 08). We know his daughter “died”, but we can assume that she was taken away by Hawkins Laboratory, who faked her death like they did Will. She has a shaved head (like Eleven) in the flashback when Hopper is in the Upside Down World, where he saw the same stuffed tiger that belonged to his daughter (Season 01 Episode 08). There is also the correlation of Matthew Modine talking about telling Eleven Nursery Rhymes (Season 01 Episode 04) and Hopper telling his daughter stories in bed (Season 01 Episode 08). I don’t understand how no one has picked this point up from any recap article or YouTube video I’ve seen. Idiots.
4. Winona Ryder acts crazy
As noted in Season 01 Episode 01 through Episode 08
3. Stranger Things is one of the best shows of our generation
…or of the 80’s generation
2. The kids in Stranger Things are all incredible singers as I have found when I googled it
1. Eleven is Hopper’s daughter
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